The Group’s Code of Ethics, to be applied to all the companies that are wholly owned by Rekeep, was resolved on by the BoD of Rekeep on May 18, 2023.
On the same date, an Ethics Committee was also set up to monitor the dissemination and implementation of the Code of Ethics and to receive and verify all reports of any violation thereof.
The Code of Ethics lays down the principles and values underlying Rekeep and its wholly-owned subsidiaries’ activities and the conduct of their business, in addition to the set of rights, duties, rules of conduct and responsibilities with respect to all the persons and organizations with whom they enter into a relationship with a view to the attainment of their corporate purpose.
Go to the dedicated page to download Rekeep’s Code of Ethics
Rekeep S.p.a.
Sole-shareholder company
via Poli, 4 - 40069 Zola Predosa (BO) - ph. +39 051.3515111
VAT no./Tax code and Bologna Business Registry no. 02402671206
Share Capital Euro 109.149.600,00 fully paid in
Company subject to management and coordination by MSC Società di Partecipazione tra Lavoratori S.p.A.